Defense Secretary Austin hospitalized for complications after surgery

By SDCN Editor
Washington, D.C.–In a surprising revelation, doctors at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center disclosed on Tuesday that Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin was hospitalized on January 1 due to complications arising from a surgery conducted nearly two weeks before addressing prostate cancer.
The announcement has raised eyebrows and sparked controversy over the Pentagon’s delayed disclosure of Austin’s diagnosis and the reason for his hospitalization. It has come to light that the White House and the public were not informed for several days about the Defense Secretary’s admission to Walter Reed, where he eventually landed in the intensive care unit.
The lack of transparency regarding Austin’s health has fueled concerns and intensified the scrutiny of the handling of information related to high-profile government officials. Critics argue that timely communication is crucial, especially when it involves the health of a key member of the administration.
The details surrounding the nature of complications and the specific events leading to Austin’s admission are yet to be fully disclosed. However, the incident has prompted calls for increased transparency in the communication of important health-related matters concerning top government officials.
Dr. John Maddox, Trauma Medical Director, and Dr. Gregory Chesnut, Center for Prostate Disease Research of the Murtha Cancer Center Director, at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center, Bethesda, Maryland, issued a joint statement regarding the secretary’s medical care.
The partial statement addressed the surgery procedure:
“As part of Secretary Austin’s routinely recommended health screening, he has undergone regular prostate-specific antigen (PSA) surveillance. Changes in his laboratory evaluation in early December 2023 identified prostate cancer which required treatment. On December 22, 2023, after consultation with his medical team, he was admitted to Walter Reed National Military Medical Center and underwent a minimally invasive surgical procedure called a prostatectomy to treat and cure prostate cancer. He was under general anesthesia during this procedure. Secretary Austin recovered uneventfully from his surgery and returned home the next morning. His prostate cancer was detected early, and his prognosis is excellent.”
On January 1, Secretary Austin was admitted to Walter Reed National Military Medical Center with complications from the December 22 procedure, including nausea with severe abdominal, hip, and leg pain. Initial evaluation revealed a urinary tract infection.
According to the secretary’s doctors, on January 2, they decided to transfer Austin to the ICU for close monitoring and a higher level of care. Further evaluation revealed abdominal fluid collection impairing the function of his small intestines. This resulted in the backup of his intestinal contents which was treated by placing a tube through his nose to drain his stomach. The abdominal fluid collections were drained by non-surgical drain placement. He has progressed steadily throughout his stay. His infection has cleared. He continues to make progress and we anticipate a full recovery although this can be a slow process. During this stay, Austin never lost consciousness and never underwent general anesthesia.
Prostate cancer is the most common cause of cancer among American men, and it impacts 1 in every 8 men – and 1 in every 6 African American men – during their lifetime. Despite the frequency of prostate cancer, discussions about screening, treatment, and support are often deeply personal and private. Early screening is important for the detection and treatment of prostate cancer and people should talk to their doctors to see what screening is appropriate for them.