Marine Corps promotes Marine Corps mascot Bruno

By SDCN Editor
Marine Corps Recruit Depot San Diego, CA–Marine Corps Recruit Depot San Diego held a ceremony Friday to promote Private Bruno, the depot bulldog mascot, to the rank of Private First Class during a Morning Colors Ceremony on Friday.
Bruno is an 11-month-old English Bulldog who was born in San Diego on October 22, 2022. He is named after Maj. Gen. Bruno Hochmuth, who at the time of his death was the first general officer killed during the Vietnam War. Major General Hochmuth was also the commanding general of the depot from November 1963 to February 1967.
General Hochmuth was awarded the Distinguished Service Medal, the Legion of Merit with Combat “V” (Valor), the Navy Commendation Medal with Gold Star in lieu of a second award, and the Purple Heart with Gold Star.
Bruno’s mascot duties include participating in events such as family day, motivational runs, and graduation ceremonies, in addition to various community relations and recruiting events throughout the Western Recruiting Region.
The tenacious fighting of the Marines at Belleau Wood during World War I earned them the sobriquet, “Teufel Hunden” or “Devil Dogs.” Teufel Hunden were the vicious, wild, and ferocious mountain dogs of Bavarian folklore. It wasn’t long before a recruiting poster painted by Charles B. Falls appeared showing a dachshund wearing a spiked helmet and Iron Cross. The dog was running from an English bulldog wearing a helmet with the globe and anchor insignia on it. Written on the poster was, “Teufel Hunden – Devil Dog Recruiting Station.” The poster was embraced by the Marine Corps and the public, and the bulldog would soon become a much-loved mascot of the Marine Corps.