Probation Dept. welcomes new K-9 Narcotic Detection Team

By SDCN Editor
San Diego, CA–The San Diego County Probation Department has added a new K-9 Narcotic Detection Team.
K-9 Romi, a 2-year-old Labrador retriever, is trained to detect cocaine, fentanyl, heroin, and methamphetamine. He and his partner, Officer Brianne Penny, will be assigned to Institutional Services, and conduct random searches at the East Mesa Juvenile Detention Facility and the Youth Transition Campus.
On Sept. 21, Officer Penny and Romi completed an intensive 10-week Basic Scent Detection Academy. Romi is trained to stop and freeze when narcotics are found in an area.
“He’s super happy and easygoing, but when it’s go time, he can focus,” said Officer Penny. “He’s definitely good at letting me know when he detects something.”
After successfully detecting a drug, Officer Penny will mark the success with a clicker and then reward her K-9 partner with a treat. Romi’s favorite toy is a classic tennis ball.
Officer Penny and Romi plan to attend special events and provide presentations and demonstrations of the canine’s capabilities throughout the community.
“It’s been a big learning experience and challenging at times, but overall it’s been amazing,” Officer Penny said.